Baby Chick Playground

Baby chick playground

A simple, movable baby chick playground furnished with logs, branches, a nest box, food, and water provides great stimulation for growing chicks. I explain how we made ours, but you might fashion something similar from materials you have on hand.

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How to Make Maple Syrup II: Boiling, filtering, canning, color, and flavor

How to make maple syrup. Two jars of maple syrup from our backyard.

Maple sugaring is a wonderful family activity! In Part II of How to Make Maple Syrup, I cover boiling off indoors vs. outdoors, show our own evaporator, and discuss filtering, canning, color, and flavor.

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How to Make Maple Syrup I: Choosing Trees and Getting Sap

Sugar maple leaves and maple syrup

Learning how to make maple syrup is a great project for the family. This first part covers choosing the trees, placing the taps, and collecting sap. A subsequent post will cover boiling it off to produce delicious syrup.

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Nut Butter Ice Cream Bases: Easy and Delicious!

Mocha hazelnut butter ice cream with dark chocolate chips

Easy, no-cook nut butter, and chocolate nut butter, ice cream bases, let you plug in your choice of nut or seed butter, for perfect results every time. Works well with fresh or processed, salted or unsalted, and sweetened or unsweetened nut butter.

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