About janet@ouroneacrefarm.com

Wildlife tracker, camera trapper, forager, and gardener, with a background in conservation biology. When I'm not outdoors enjoying these activities, I'm usually indoors writing about them.

What To Raise On Your Homestead or Backyard Farm

Deciding what to raise on your homestead or backyard farm involves taking inventory of your resources and yourself. This guides you through 15 critical considerations,

Deciding what to raise on your homestead or backyard farm involves taking inventory of your resources and yourself. This guides you through 15 critical considerations, such as climate, soil, existing ecosystems, lay of the land, storage space, market research, what you like to eat, and your own ability to deal with livestock illness, injury, and death.

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Raising Baby Chicks Without A Hen: The First 6 Weeks

A thorough guide to raising baby chicks without a hen. Where to buy chicks, setting up a brooder box, feeding, watering, spatial needs, stimulation, and problems to look out for. Everything you need to know for the first 6 weeks.

A concise but thorough guide to raising baby chicks without a hen. Covers where to buy chicks, setting up a brooder box, feeding, watering, spatial needs, stimulation, and problems to look out for.

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How to Preserve Strawberries

My favorite old fashioned recipes for strawberry jam, strawberry rhubarb preserves, strawberry chips, and frozen sugar packed strawberries, along with other methods, are featured in How to Preserve Strawberries.

Learn how to preserve strawberries by drying, freezing, and canning, including my favorite recipes for jam, preserves, and dry sugar packing.

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Homemade Raw Milk Ice Cream Bases

Quick, easy, and exceptionally creamy recipes for vanilla and chocolate homemade raw milk ice cream bases. Giving recipes for both vanilla and chocolate makes it possible for you to adapt them to many, many different flavors. Customize them with your own delicious add-ins, if you like!

Quick, easy, creamy, and delicious recipes for vanilla and chocolate homemade raw milk ice cream bases. Customize them with your own delicious add-ins.

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Growing and Using Greens for Salads and Cooking

Growing and Using Greens covers lettuce family, mustard family (mustard greens, kale, collards, turnip, arugula, etc.), and beet family (beets, chard, spinach), for mesclun salad mixes and cooked greens. Permaculture principles like species diversity, inter-planting, and succession planting maximize yield and nutrition, and prevent pest problems. Transplanting, direct seeding, harvesting, and using.

How to grow lettuces, mustard greens, spinach, kale, chard, arugula, and more, for home grown mesclun and cooked greens. Species diversity, inter-planting, and succession planting make your salad garden a permaculture garden.

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Raising Shetland Sheep: Guide to Starting a Flock

Raising Shetland Sheep is a guide to getting started with this easy care, small breed of sheep, suitable for a small farm. Breed profile, what you need, feeding, lambing, general health maintenance, protection from predators, and making money. Fleeces come in a wide range of natural colors and are popular among hand spinners. Meat is delicate; milking is possible.

Raising Shetland Sheep is a guide to getting started with this easy care, small breed of sheep, suitable for a small farm. Breed profile, what you need, feeding, lambing, general health maintenance, and protection from predators. Fleeces come in a wide range of natural colors and are popular among hand spinners. Meat is delicate; milking is possible.

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Guide to Growing Sunflowers

Guide to Growing Sunflowers

Learn how to grow sunflowers, how they are pollinated, how to choose a variety, and how to deal with common problems. You, too, can succeed with this American native, whether you’re interested in ornamental qualities, wildlife value, or food value.

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Egg Carton Labels and Animal Welfare

Egg Carton Labels And Animal Welfare

Learn which egg carton labels and certification stamps are most meaningful for the welfare of laying hens, so you can make informed purchases.

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Permaculture Principles for Practical Gardeners and Farmers

Permaculture Principles for Practical Gardeners and Farmers

These 9 permaculture principles are based on the concept of mimicking Nature. Practical implications are explained, so you can implement them in your own garden or farm.

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