Birch syrup ice cream with buttered hickory nuts

Birch syrup is made from the sap of the paper birch (or black birch) tree, in the same way that maple syrup is made from the sap of the sugar maple tree. But the spicy, warm caramel flavor of birch … Continue reading

Hickory Nuts: Foraging for Pignut and Shagbark Hickory Nuts

Most hickory nuts in the US are edible, the most popular one being the pecan, which has a limited range in the south. Here in central New England (and in much of the estern US), the most common hickories are … Continue reading

Hazelnuts: Foraging for American and beaked hazelnuts

If I had to choose a favorite wild edible, it would be the hazelnut. Rich in protein, fat, and flavor, hazelnuts make a satisfying snack, and can be used in cooking wherever you would use their commercially available counterparts (called … Continue reading