Woolly oak galls, Callirhytis lanata

This must be a banner year in Massachusetts for woolly oak galls produced by the wasp Callirhytis lanata, because we naturalists-but-not-bug-experts who’ve never noticed them in past years, have been finding these quarter-inch, buff colored pompoms scattered all over the … Continue reading

Hickory nuts: Rodent sign

While out foraging for shagbark hickory nuts (Carya ovata) in Bolton, MA this morning, I noticed abundant sign of other animals doing the same. Near a beaver wetland in a mixed oak / white pine / red maple / black … Continue reading

Tracking Bobcats in Massachusetts

I love wildlife, even predators. Yes, it’s true, despite the fact that I keep small livestock which are vulnerable to predation by a long list of wild animals that thrive around my backyard farm, I enjoy seeing them, even on … Continue reading